Mostly I'll be reviewing YA and middle grade books, because that's what I'm studying and writing right now. I might throw in a section of picture books later on. The ratings are out of four stars.
Feel free to agree or argue with me as you see fit!
Because there's always room on the shelf for more young adult and children's literature.
About Me

- Cherylynne
- Cher-y-lynne {sher-uhl-lin} –noun 1. One who formerly sold and recommended children’s books at a bookstore; a specialist in young adult, middle grade, and picture books. 2. A para-educator at a middle school. 3. A struggling young adult writer. 4. A lover of chocolate and popcorn. Archaic: An Audiology and Speech Language Pathology major at Brigham Young University. Questions? Suggestions? Books you'd like me to review? E-mail me at cherylynne1 (at) gmail (dot) com.
This is a blog for my ranting, raving, and occasionally brilliant opinions. You have been warned. Enter at your own risk.
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